Service for lecturers - E-Examinations

Electronic exams are a very economical and secure way of testing knowledge. E-exams are written on specially configured laptops provided by the E-Learning Unit Landau in specially equipped rooms. Due to our now almost 10 years of experience, our extensive support as well as the elaborate technical infrastructure in the background, e-exams are very secure and legally as unproblematic as conventional paper-pen exams. Due to the automated evaluation of many question types, e-examinations are particularly suitable for examinations with large numbers of participants, but also for smaller examinations or examinations with problem-oriented questions.

You will find information here if...

If you are interested in an e-exam or have any questions, please feel free to contact us at: e-learning(at)

FAQ, if you have never held an electronic exam

E-exams offer several advantages over traditional paper-and-pencil exams or oral exams:

- Most question types can be evaluated automatically. Especially with larger numbers of participants, this leads to enormous time savings during correction.

- For question types that cannot be evaluated automatically (e.g. free text), you still save time because you do not have to decipher handwriting. In addition, the exam is clearer, because there are no cross-outs and the like.

-You can integrate various media such as images, videos or audio files into your exam.

- The correction mode allows you to remove questions later or to change the weighting of individual questions.

- With the help of a grading scheme, the assignment of grades is also fully automated.

- Various randomization options (e.g. random order of questions, random order of answer options, random drawing of questions) allow you to make cheating attempts much more difficult.

- By using question pools, you can create an extensive collection of questions structured according to your criteria, which you can reuse as needed.

- Creating and correcting the exam can take place completely location-independently and synchronously, so that several people can work on it at the same time.

If you would like to conduct your exams as e-exams in the future, please contact us for a consultation at the e-mail address Important key data, which are important for planning, are as follows:

 -   Desired date
 -   Maximum number of participants
 -   Duration of the exam

Our support for e-exams is very comprehensive and includes the following assistance:


  • Provision of a legally compliant exam system in a secured environment.
  • Provision of the required devices (specially configured examination laptops).
  • Training of all persons who are to create or evaluate an e-exam.
  • Training of all persons who are to supervise an e-examination.
  • Provision of information material to all persons involved in the retreat.
  • Provision of information material to the participating students.
  • Planning and organization (room booking, scheduling).
  • Assistance and advice in the preparation of the exam questions (technical and didactical).
  • Technical review of all exams.
  • Short technical introduction for the students directly before the exam and assistance with logging in and starting the exam.
  • Permanent technical readiness during the running e-exam.
  • Archiving and handing out of the exam data after completion of the correction.

Yes, they are. E-exams are just as legally binding as conventional paper-and-pencil exams.

We use the LMS Ilias as an exam system. All functions of the LMS that are not required are deactivated. Ilias has a very powerful e-assessment functionality and is therefore used at numerous universities (e.g., Uni Mainz, Uni Trier, Uni Freiburg, Uni Marburg and many more) for this purpose. You can have a look at Ilias on our public instance by means of practice exams.


We use specially configured laptops that boot in an externally secured exam environment. This means that students have no way of breaking out of the exam system, for example to research answers on the Internet. The use of USB sticks and similar devices is also not possible.


Depending on the settings, the students' answers are saved either automatically every 30 seconds or when switching from one question to the next. This is not done on the computers themselves but on a server in the computer center Landau. So if there is a technical problem with one of the exam laptops, the students can be put on another device where they can then continue writing seamlessly.

During the exam, a technical assistant is always present on call. Should there be any technical problems, we can intervene immediately.

We currently have four rooms that can be used for e-exams, with a total capacity of 218 seats. These seats are distributed as follows:

  • CIV 160: 56 Seats
  • CIV 165: 49 Seats
  • CIV 260: 63 Seats
  • CIII 140: 25 Seats
  • CIII 140: 25 Seats

If more than 218 students sign up for the exam, we can write the exams in several runs. Organization and planning of the runs will be done by the E-Learning Unit Landau.

Since most of the rooms we use for our e-exams are used for regular events during the lecture period, we can unfortunately only offer e-exams in full capacity during the lecture-free period. Currently, these are the following periods:

  • The first 2-3 weeks of the lecture-free period.
  • The last 2-3 weeks of the lecture-free period.

Outside of these times, e-exams can only be written in the two rooms CIII 140 and CIII 148 (depending on room availability) with 25 seats per room.

We take care of the booking of the exam rooms as well as the scheduling of your e-exam (in consultation with you), so that you can concentrate on creating your e-exam.

No, our support is not liable to a fee. We will only charge you € 0.03 per sheet for the printing costs (we will not charge you for misprints).

Yes, media files such as images, video or audio files can be included in e-exams.

No, unfortunately this is not possible. While OpenOLAT is a very good learning platform that is excellent for teaching, it is not well suited for conducting legally compliant e-exams. Therefore, we rely on the LMS Ilias, which offers excellent testing functionality and is used as an e-exam system at numerous universities for this reason.


No, unfortunately this is not possible, as we do not have enough staff for this and we are not technically able to do so. Therefore, it is your task to ensure a sufficient number of supervisors.

If you would like to offer your exam as an e-exam, please contact us at the email address for a consultation to clarify further details. The procedure is then as follows:Wenn Sie Ihre Prüfung als E-Klausur anbieten möchten, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte unter der E-Mailadresse  für ein Beratungsgespräch, um weitere Details zu klären. Der Ablauf ist dann wie folgt:


  • We arrange an exam date with you.
  • We create a schedule for your exam.
  • We sign a support agreement that defines all the steps required to successfully complete an e-exam.
  • We set up access to the exam system for all persons involved in the exam.
  • We provide you with information material and, if required, conduct training for all persons involved.
  • You create the exam in the exam system by a set deadline (usually 6 weeks before the exam date). If you have any questions or problems, we are always available to help.
  • We will check the exam questions and settings and point out possible problems.
  • If your students have questions about the e-exam, we are also available to answer them.
  • On the day of the exam we will be on site, give students a short introduction and help with login problems. In addition, during the exam, we are close by and always available to respond quickly to any problems.
  • Since we have to print out the exam for legal reasons, we come to the exam room shortly before the end of the exam and take over the printing (usually max. 10-15 minutes).
  • You make any necessary corrections to the exam and notify us as soon as this is completed.
  • We archive the exam and hand over the archive data to you. Afterwards, we delete the student data from the exam system for data protection reasons.

FAQ for those in charge of the exam and proctors during exams

In the vast majority of cases, such problems are related to the USB stick you need to access the exam system and can be caused by the following:


  • The certificate on your stick has expired: Certificates must be renewed once a semester. You will receive a notification from us in good time for this. If you have failed to renew the certificate in time, you will no longer have access to the exam system. Please contact us so that we can subsequently extend the certificate.
  • The file structure on the USB stick or the stick itself is damaged: Please contact us so that we can exchange the data package on the stick or the stick itself.
  • You are using an Apple computer: Unfortunately, it happens again and again that the sticks do not work or do not work properly with Apple devices. Please contact us so that we can renew the data package. On your stick you will also find a Windows version of the browser package. So if you have access to a Windows computer, you can continue working with it for the time being.

For our part, you really only need to bring a sufficient amount of cover sheets. You can find the relevant forms in different file formats  at the bottom of this page.

Before you can supervise an e-exam for the first time, you must complete a short training session (15-20 minutes). We can arrange an appointment about 1-2 weeks before the exam date. The training can take place in person or digitally.

Please check if you have logged in to the correct instance. Exam results can always be found on the exam instance but not on the productive instance.


Yes, this is possible. We offer a public Ilias instance that students can access from home ( Of course this instance is completely separate from the exam instance, so students cannot view actual exams. Simply create the mock exam on the productive instance and notify us. After that, we will transfer it to the public instance.

No, unfortunately this is not possible, as we do not have enough staff for this and we are not technically able to do so. Therefore, it is your task to ensure a sufficient number of proctors.

Documents avaible to download [german]

Contact Us

We will be happy to help you. Contact us via one of the following e-mail addresses, depending on your concerns. You are also welcome to arrange a personal consultation appointment.