Service for Teachers - Panopto

Panopto is a content management system for videos, which was developed especially for teaching. Panopto is hosted at the University of Mainz and technically administered by the Virtual Campus Rheinland-Palatinate. The RPTU has its own instance, which is maintained at the RPTU in Landau by the E-Learning Unit.

Panopto supports the upload, management and distribution of videos. Access to videos can be restricted to certain user groups (e.g. students of a lecture) by means of rights management. Furthermore, multiple videos can be linked so that, for example, you can show both the image of the teacher and slides or a blackboard image during a lecture recording. In addition, Panopto supports the use of quizzes, which can be integrated into a video at certain points. 

FAQ and Instructions for Panopto

You can find Panopto at the following URL:

To use Panopto for your teaching, you need creator rights. Please apply for them with an informal mail to: e-learning(at)

Contact Us

We will be happy to help you. Contact us via one of the following e-mail addresses, depending on your concerns. You are also welcome to arrange a personal consultation appointment.