Services for Lecturers - Mahara
Mahara (the name means 'thinking' or 'thought' in the Maori language) is a server-based system for creating e-portfolios. An e-portfolio works just like a traditional portfolio, except that it has the ability to incorporate digital media as well. Originally, Mahara was a collaborative development of several New Zealand universities. It is free and has been developed as open source software by various institutions and individuals since 2007. Users can create a competence profile as well as a CV. We offer training courses on Mahara. The current dates can be found here. FAQ and instructions can be found further down on this page.
Functions of Mahara
- Sharing specific content and the overall profile with specific users (groups)
- Creation of blogs and own groups
- Communication with other members
- Upload content and make it available
- Creation of classic portfolios (presentation, application, etc.)
- Support of group-based learning and working (especially over a longer period of time, e.g. across semesters)
- Completely web-based platform with flexible access control and time and location-independent access via the Internet
FAQ and instructions for Mahara
You can reach Mahara at the following URL:
Please use your user ID and not your e-mail address (i.e. examplename instead of and the corresponding password to log in. If this does not work either, please try if you can log in on other platforms of the university (e.g. KLIPS, Sogo). If this is still not successful, please contact the IT department to have your password reset. If the problem only exists on Mahara, please contact us at .
Unfortunately, students can only use our Mahara as long as their account at the University of Koblenz-Landau exists. For this reason, we advise students to export their portfolios as Leap2a or HTML and thus save them. In other Mahara instances, the portfolios can then be imported using the Leap2a format.
Since a Mahara account is automatically deactivated by the system after 13 months of inactivity, you will not be able to log in after that. Please contact us at the address .
Contact Us
We will be happy to help you. Contact us via one of the following e-mail addresses, depending on your concerns. You are also welcome to arrange a personal consultation appointment.
- General e-learning support: zhdl-ele[at]
- Video use in teaching: n.rueck(at)
- E-Examinations: g.kapolnasi(at)
- Equipment lending: zhdl-ele-geraeteausleihe(at)