Central Project: Competence Network

In response to the Corona pandemic, the University of Koblenz-Landau implemented a comprehensive ad hoc digitization of its teaching program starting in the summer semester of 2020. This accelerated the implementation of many of the measures already proposed for the digitization strategy and promoted a university-wide discourse on digitization in teaching and learning. The DigiKompASS project is intended to help expand the numerous measures in a targeted and strategic manner and to ensure quality assurance and enhancement. Three cross-sectional projects form the central project, which serves as a "service unit" for the four sub-projects in Landau. Its main task is to further develop evidence-based qualification offers for teachers in higher education didactics.


The Landau Center for Methods, Diagnostics and Evaluation (Method Center)[ Zentrum für Methoden, Diagnostik und Evaluation (Methodenzentrum)] forms the cross-sectional project QPLD5. Together with the cross-sectional project QPKO4 in the Office for Evaluation in Teaching and Learning at the Koblenz Campus, it is revising course evaluation with regard to digital teaching formats. Specifically, the previous version of the questionnaire for the evaluation of digital teaching formats is being reviewed and further developed so that it captures relevant quality dimensions that are of primary importance in digital teaching formats or teaching formats with digital components.

In addition, the cross-sectional project advises the Landau subprojects on methodological issues and supports them in project evaluation. Together with the other cross-sectional projects at the Landau campus, additional projects are being pursued, such as the design and implementation of a facility-wide survey on the topic of digital teaching.

The Higher Education Didactics Office (HDA)[Hochschuldidaktische Arbeitsstelle (HDA)] forms the cross-sectional project QPLD6. Currently, the HDA in Landau still offers method collections and instruments, workshops and various exchange formats for teachers and tutors for both locations. Within the framework of DigiKompASS, it will continue to develop evidence-based qualification programs for teachers, develop digital and hybrid formats for the communication and implementation of best practice examples, and advise lecturers on the individual adaptation of their teaching and learning programs. By means of a survey and subsequent evaluation, the experiences of those involved in the digitization process at the university are to be collected in order to ultimately create a catalog of criteria for good digital teaching and use this to design training courses and offer consulting services.

The E-Learning Unit Landau (ELE)[E-Learning Einheit Landau (ELE)] forms the cross-sectional project QPLD7. As the central support facility and contact for digital teaching and examinations at the Landau campus, the ELE deals with questions about the use of digital media to support educational processes and answers questions about the technical and didactic use of the learning management system OpenOLAT, the video platform Panopto, and the e-portfolio tool Mahara. Furthermore, ELE lends out technical equipment for use in the context of digitally supported teaching. Within the framework of DigiKompASS, QPLD7 continues to develop the university didactic qualification offers for teachers with a focus on the use of digital/hybrid teaching/learning tools and advises on evaluation tools.


Dominik Vollbracht


Method Center


+49 (0)6341 280-31426

dvollbracht at uni-landau.de

Project management: Dr. Susanne Weis


Lisa Flick

University didactics office

[Hochschuldidaktische Arbeitsstelle (HDA)]

+49 (0)6341 280-38430


Project management: Dr. Helge Batt


Claudia Sigmund

E-Learning-Unit Landau

[E-Learning-Einheit Landau (ELE)]

+49 (0)6341 280-33238

sigmund at uni-landau.de

Project management: N.N