
In June 2015, in cooperation with ZQ in Mainz, we conducted a survey among teachers, through which we received many helpful hints and feedback. Many thanks to all participants! We are working on implementing your wishes and suggestions - please be patient if it takes a little longer, we are only a small team.

Answers to the question:

What do you particulatly like about the offers of the HDA?

Work in small groups with colleagues from other institutes, personal and at the same time professional supervision.

The commitment of the lecturers, the pleasant atmosphere, no senior lecturer mentality.

The personal exchange, the individual adjustment to needs

The collegial atmosphere; the competent and helpful contact persons; the interesting topics of the lunch impulses and workshops; the possibility to exchange ideas with other teachers.


Flexibility! If the group of a workshop is too large, 2 dates are offered. Duration. Workshops have a "reasonable" length of time. Management! Very sympathetic team.

So far, I have only participated in the reflection workshop after the end of the semester [WS 2014/15]. There I found the very understanding and neutral atmosphere pleasant. I had the feeling that Mr. Batt and Ms. Mittelstädt are eager to help.

Short lunch impulses, helpful tips and ideas for teaching.

Lunch impulse because it is so nice and short and more doable than a longer appointment.

Lunch pulses are generally quite efficient (but I can't always be there).

Motivated staff and a serious effort to make teaching not just a disruptive factor in science.

Workshops and lunch impulses

the exchange with other teachers, a feeling of team and community

the variety of topics and the high flexibility (the special requirements of the participants are always in focus)

relaxed, but nonetheless continuing mediation

is a good low-threshold offer, is local and you actually get a place.

What do you particularly like about the offerings of the HDA?