Hörsaal mit Studierenden und weiblicher Rednerin. Davor der Text: "Zentrum für Hochschullehre und -didaktik Landau (ZHDL) Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtung der RPTU in Landau für die Unterstützung der Hochschullehre." Matej Kastelic


Central scientific facility of the RPTU in Landau for the support of university teaching.



The Center for University Teaching and Didactics Landau (ZHDL) is central support institution for teaching at the RPTU in Landau. It is divided into the Center for Higher Education Didactics (HDA), the E-Learning Unit Landau (ELE), the Media Center and the Student College. It also forms the structural umbrella for the central third-party funded projects related to higher education teaching at the RPTU in Landau. The ZHDL enables university-specific profiling of higher education didactic focal points as well as an addressee-oriented focus of the further development of higher education didactic offers and the further development of the quality of higher education. In addition, by planning, providing, maintaining and further developing the media technology infrastructure, the ZHDL creates uniform basic equipment in the teaching rooms on campus that is available to all teachers and students and is an essential prerequisite for the realization of digital teaching-learning scenarios.


The E-Learning-Einheit Landau is the central support facility for e-learning [Educational technology] at the RPTU in Landau.


The University Didactics Office wants to support you in making your teaching (even) more effective, successful and sustainable and in balancing your different roles well.

Media Center

The Media Center has the task of promoting and supporting the use of digital media in particular for research, teaching and continuing education.

Student College

With the institution of the student college, we are pursuing the goal of expanding and deepening the courses offered at the Landau location.

Workshops and Events